Set of Continuous Functions on a Closed Subset of R
Let's consider another question: supposef :D →R is continuous, whereD is a subset ofR. If (xn ) is a sequence inD converging to some realL, is it true that (f(xn )) is also convergent? Now ifL is inD, then we know that (f(xn )) → (f(L)). But what if it's not?
- Letf(x) = 1/x, defined on (0, ∞). Take the sequence xn = 1/n which converges to 0. Then the resulting sequence (f(xn )) = (n) diverges.
- Letf(x) = sin(1/x), defined on (0, ∞). Then the sequencexn = 2/((2n-1)π) converges to 0 but the resulting (f(xn )) = (1, -1, 1, -1, … ) diverges.
Closed Subsets
Let's first consider the case where the limitL must lie inD. To that end, we have the following result.
Proposition. For an arbitrary subset
, the following are equivalent.
- If (xn) is a sequence in D converging to L, then L is in D.
- D contains all its points of accumulations.
- The complement Dc = R-D is an open subset ofR.
(1)→(2) : Letx be a point of accumulation ofD. Hence for each ε = 1, 1/2, 1/3, …, there exists , such that 0 < |xn –x| < 1/n for eachn. Then (xn )→x must be inL.
(2)→(3) : Let . Sincea is not inD it's not a point of accumulation ofD. By definition, this means that there exists ε>0 such that the set ofx satisfying 0 < |x–a| < ε does not intersectD. Together with the fact thata is not inD, we see that
, soDc is open.
(3)→(1) : Let (xn )→L. If , an open subset ofR, there must be an open ball
. On the other hand, since (xn )→L, some
must lie withinN(L, ε), which is a contradiction. ♦
Definition. We say that a subset
is aclosed subset if D-U is an open subset of D.
Warning. A subset of D can be both open and closed. E.g. the empty set (or the entire set D) is so.
Useful note : in particular, a closed and bounded subset D of R must have a maximum and minimum. Indeed, sinceD is bounded, letM be its supremum; we need to show thatM lies inD. Suppose it doesn't. For any positive ε,M-ε is not an upper bound ofD, so there exists an element ,x >M-ε andx <M. This shows thatM is a point of accumulation ofD, and by the above proposition, it must lie inD, which contradicts our assumption. ThusM is a maximum ofD. The case for minimum is similar.
- Consider the set
. It is closed in R since the complement is
which is a union of open intervals. ClearlyD is bounded. Being both closed and bounded, it has a minimum and a maximum (in this case, 1 and 3 respectively).
- Consider the set
. It is not closed because its complement is
and the point 2 has no open neighbourhood of R which is wholly contained inE. Or, look at it another way, if it were closed, then since it's obviously bounded it would contain a maximum and a minimum, but 2 is the supremum ofD which is not contained inD itself.
- Consider the set
. The complement is
which is a union of open intervals and is hence open. But it's not upper-bounded so it doesn't have a maximum.
From the above proposition, ifD is a closed subset ofR andf :D →R is continuous, then any convergent sequence inD gets mapped to a convergent sequence.
Important Exercises
- Prove thatf :D →R is continuous if and only if for each closed subsetC of R, the set
is closed inD.
- Find a continuous functionf :R →R and a closed subsetC ofR such thatf(C) is not closed inR.
- Prove that a union of finitely many closed subsets ofD is still closed inD.
- Prove that an intersection of (possibly infinitely many) closed subsets ofD is still closed inD.
- Suppose
- Prove that ifC is closed inD, thenB :=C ∩E is closed inE.
- Prove that conversely, ifB is closed inE, thenB =C ∩E for some closed subsetC ofD.
Answers [Highlight to read. Compare with the earlier case of open subsets. ]
- IfC is closed inR, then D –f -1(C) =f -1(D –C) is open in D ifff -1(C) is closed in D. Then use the fact thatf is continuous iff for each open subsetU ofR,f -1(U) is open inD.
- Letf be defined byf(x)=1/x forx>1 andf(x)=1 forx≤1. The set C=[1, ∞) is closed inRbutf(C) = (0, 1] is not closed inR.
- Follows from the fact that the intersection of finitely many open subsets ofD is also open inD.
- Follows from the fact that the union of arbitrarily many open subsets ofD is also open inD.
- For (A), ifC is closed inD, thenD–C is open inD andE–B =E – (C ∩E) = (D–C) ∩E is open inE by definition. ThusB is closed inE. For (B), sinceE–B is open inE, we can writeE–B =U ∩E for some open subsetU ofD. Then B =E – (U ∩E) = (D–U) ∩E whereD–U is closed inD.
Uniform Continuity
Now let's consider the case whereD is not closed and (xn ) approaches anL not inD.
Definition. The function
isuniformly continuous (on D) if:
- for any ε>0, there is a δ>0 such that when x, y in D satisfies |x-y|<δ, we have |f(x)-f(y)|<ε.
Once again we note the difference between standard continuity and uniform continuity. In the former case:
- For everyy inD and ε>0, there exists δ>0 such that for allx inD satisfying |x–y|<δ, we have |f(x)-f(y)|<ε.
In the latter case:
- For every ε>0, there exists δ>0 such that for allx, y inD satisfying |x–y|<δ, we have |f(x)-f(y)|<ε.
Using logical quantifiers, these can be succinctly expressed as:
whereP(x,y, δ, ε) says "|x–y|<δ implies |f(x)-f(y)|<ε".
Examples of Uniform Continuity
- Letf(x)=x on any subset S ofR. We claim thatf is uniformly continuous. Indeed, for any ε>0, let δ=ε. Then whenever |x–y| < δ andx,y inS, we easily get |f(x)-f(y)| = |x–y| < δ = ε, which satisfies the definition for uniform continuity.
- Letf(x)=1/x on (0, ∞). We shall prove thatf is not uniformly continuous. Negating the definition of uniform continuity, we need to find an ε>0 such that for any δ>0, we can findx,y>0 with |x–y|<δ but |1/x-1/y|≥ε. So let's take ε=1; for any δ>0, pickx=δ andy= δ/(δ+1) <x. Then |x–y| =x–y < δ but |1/x-1/y|=1.
- On the other hand,f(x)=1/x on [1, 2] is uniformly continuous. Indeed, whenever 1 ≤x,y ≤ 2, we have |1/x – 1/y| = |x–y|/|xy| ≤ |x–y| since |xy| ≥ 1. Hence, given any ε>0, we can just let δ=ε. Now wheneverx,y in [1, 2] satisfy |x–y| < δ, we also have |f(x)-f(y)| ≤ |x–y| < δ = ε.
Examples 2 and 3 tell us that uniform continuity depends heavily on the domain of the function.
Main Theorems
The first main result in this article is:
Theorem. If (xn) is a Cauchy sequence in D and f : D →R is a uniformly continuous function, then (f(xn)) is also a Cauchy sequence.
Proof. Let ε>0.
- Sincef is uniformly continuous, pick δ>0 such that whenx,y inD satisfies |x–y|<δ, we have |f(x)-f(y)|<ε.
- Since (xn ) is Cauchy, pick anN such that whenm,n >N, we have |xm –xn |<δ.
This implies that whenm,n >N, |f(xm )-f(xn )|<ε. ♦
For example, considerf(x)=1/x on (0, ∞). The sequence is Cauchy but the resulting
is not a Cauchy sequence. Hence, this tells usf(x) is not uniformly continuous, as we had verified earlier directly in example 2 above.
Finally, let's combine uniform convergence and uniform continuity.
Theorem. Suppose
is a sequence of uniformly continuous functions on D, which converges uniformly to
. Then
is also uniformly continuous.
Let ε>0. Then by uniformly convergence, there existsN such that whenever n >N, we have . Fixn. Since
is uniformly continuous, there exists δ>0 such that whenever
satisfies |x–y|<δ, we also have
. Hence:
Now just go back and replace ε by ε/3. ♦
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